Learning at Welcome Bay School
Our School Vision
Ma te hurhuru ka rere te manu / Adorn the bird with feathers so that it can fly!
At Welcome Bay School we acknowledge and celebrate the successes of our Welcome Bay learners. We focus on the strategic development of our Welcome Bay Learner acknowledging the attributes of our learner. We want to develop good learners and good people. If we can develop the following attributes in our tamariki we are setting them up for success, so they can fly in life and learning.
The Karearea
Show courage
Kia kaha

House colour:
Physical environment:
the sky
A Karearea learner:
set goals, reflects upon them and perseveres to achieve personal greatness.
A Karearea is about:
having a go, risk taking, resilience, challenge and trust.
The Kea
Ask questions
Tuku patai

House colour:
Physical environment:
the mountains
A Kea learner:
understands their world through knowledge acquisition. I set goals, reflect upon them and persevere to achieve personal greatness.
A Kea is about:
asking questions, communication, inquiring and being multi literate.
The Kereru
Have a heart
Kia manawanui

House colour:
Physical environment:
the forest/bush.
A Kereru learner:
is a caring citizen who recognises and appreciates differences.
A Kereru is about:
diversity, compassion, empathy, citizenship and service
The Toroa
Seek adventure
Whaia te pai tawhiti

House colour:
Physical environment:
the ocean/tangaroa
A Toroa learner:
seeks adventure, makes sense of information, experiences and ideas to be innovative
A Toroa is about:
being a lateral, creative, critical and somatic thinker
The Matuku Moana
Stand Proud
Kia maia

House colour:
Physical environment:
estuaries and water ways.
A Matuku Moana learner:
is proud of who they are, where they come from, what they do or say and what they bring.
A Matuku Moana is about:
identity through self awareness, self worth and self management.
The Welcome Bay Way
School culture: all children, staff, teachers and guest teachers use the system to build a strong culture of encouragement and positivity within our learning environment to support the development of social and emotional learning. Our school tone is positive and welcoming. H.E.A.R.T is our PB4L acronym, which stands for Have a go, Expect the best, Act like a friend, Right thing, Right time, Right Reason and Take time to talk. These key phrases stem from our 5 birds mentioned above as part of our Welcome Bay Learner.
Our staff have received significant professional learning opportunities in understanding the functions of behaviour, so that teaching and learning programs can support children’s success, socially and academically. Our team work hard to maintain consistency in expectations across the school and our culture is positive and restorative. We have a range of interventions operating including Dinosaur Classroom in school, Welcome Bay Ambassadors, behaviour lesson plans, the Welcome Bay Way team to analyse behaviour data and plan for needs across the school, a range of positive interventions and reinforcement systems for both students and staff.
Celebrations: power bird card, certificates, celebration assemblies all link to each bird, Heart cards linking to Welcome Bay Way, goal setting and reporting link to ‘bird’ development
Flexible Learning Environments
Purpose built flexible environments to enhance learning opportunities. Well designed and resourced learning environments